
Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of South Korea and Korea Arts Management Service Present Decoding Korea at Grand Palais Immersif in Paris.

Exhibition Dates: July 26th – August 25th, 2024

The Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of South Korea, led by Minister Yoo In-Chon, and the Korea Arts Management Service, under the direction of Acting Representative Director Kim Bum-Hoon, are delighted to announce the opening of Decoding Korea, an exhibition showcasing the contemporary art of South Korea. This highly anticipated exhibition will be held at the Grand Palais Immersif in Paris from Friday, July 26th to Sunday, August 25th, 2024.

Decoding Korea aims to decode and express the unique characteristics of Korean culture through contemporary media art. Featuring works by eleven leading Korean artists, including the pioneering Nam June Paik, Kang Yiyun, Kwon Hayoun, Kim Heecheon, Ram Han, Roomtone, Park Junebum, Yeom Ji Hye, Lee Yongbaek, Lee Lee-nam, and Jung Yeondoo, this exhibition employs cutting-edge technology to delve into human thought and emotion.

In total, nineteen works in the exhibition interpret the evolving identity of Korean society and the various issues it faces. These pieces explore key concepts such as memory, power, borders, technology, and environment, central themes that define modern Korean history. Through these artworks, visitors will gain insight into the social, political, and cultural contexts of contemporary Korea.

Exhibition Highlights:

Kang Yiyun (b.1982)
Finite (2021): A multi-projection and audio installation highlighting the urgent need for ecological awareness and action.

Kwon Hayoun (b.1981)
489 Years (2016): A VR experience revealing personal soldier memories in the DMZ, emphasizing its ecological and historical significance.

Kim Heecheon (b.1989)
Double Poser (2023): A philosophical exploration of time and reality through the lens of a game engine.

Yeom Ji Hye (b.1982)
Symbioplot: Where We Cohabit (2020): A multidisciplinary narrative addressing climate change and the interconnectedness of all life.

Lee Lee-Nam (b.1969)
Lost Paradise (2024): A digital critique of modern power dynamics and environmental destruction, blending classical and contemporary elements.

Park Junebum (b.1976)
Land for Schools (2018-2024): A video installation mapping urban transformation through aerial views of schools.

Lee Yongbaek (b.1966)
Angel-Soldier (2011): A symbolic piece exploring societal dichotomies like war and peace.

Jung Yeondoo (b.1969)
Crow’s Eye View (2022): A poetic work reimagining Ulsan from a crow’s perspective, blending documentary and fiction.

Ram Han (b.1989)
The Fulfilled Fortune (2023): An interactive VR piece examining the blend of virtual and real experiences through hand-tracking technology.

ROOMTONE (Dong-wook Kim & Jin-kyung Jeon)
In the Gray (2018): A VR experience where an AI learns humanity through dreams, blurring the line between reality and virtuality.

Special Nam June Paik Exhibition: The exhibition includes a special section dedicated to Nam June Paik, featuring his iconic works Global Groove (1973), which experiments with cultural convergence by blending tradition and modernity, East and West, abstraction and figuration, and Wrap Around the World (1988), a global satellite broadcast project involving more than ten countries, originally created for the 1988 Seoul Olympics. These works underscore the importance of diversity and global solidarity through art.

Minister Yoo In-Chon shared his vision for the exhibition: “Artists breathe life into everything they do, and their audiences in turn animate these artworks. We look forward to the moment when the experiences in Decoding Korea resonate with you, sparking new narratives and perhaps even inspiring journeys to Korea. Kicked off in May this year, ‘Korea Season’ is a six-month showcase of Korean art and culture that aims to bring our country’s diversity to the global stage. We will continue to work hard to communicate more deeply with international audiences through art.”

Artistic Director Lee Daehyung adds, Decoding Korea immerses viewers in the social, political, and cultural fabric of Korea. It reveals how art transcends mere visual enjoyment to become a powerful instrument of social change. This exhibition is more than a display of artworks; it is an insightful journey into the complex and varied dimensions of Korean society.”

Jerome Sans, critic and co-founder of the renowned Palais de Tokyo in Paris, comments, “Decoding Korea explores the cultural currents hidden behind the evolution of contemporary Korean values and identity. This exhibition suggests a new landscape generated through cutting-edge media—one that explores Korea’s historical journey through the country’s past, present, and future.”

Decoding Korea: Transgenerational Wisdom As highlighted in Lee Daehyung’s essay ” The exhibition delves deep into the philosophical and cultural fabric of Korea. Echoing the resilience and spirit of generations who endured Japanese occupation and the Korean War, the exhibition underscores the transgenerational wisdom that has propelled Korea from a colonized nation to a cultural powerhouse, transforming war ruins into a top ten global economy. Through the lens of contemporary media art, Decoding Korea not only showcases the artistic brilliance of Korean artists but also invites viewers to reflect on the shared human experience and the collective memory that shapes our present and future.

Join us at the Grand Palais Immersif in Paris for this groundbreaking exhibition and immerse yourself in the dynamic and evolving narrative of Korean art and culture.


110, rue de Lyon – 75012 Paris

Open every day from 10am to 7am Free entrance 

Crédit visuels 1 & 2
YIYUN KANG_2021 @ ArtPlace 

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